With technology advancement, the number of research tools available has increased tremendously over the past 10 years and therefore drastically broadened the scope of research options and solutions we offer.

Qualitative research

Quantitative research

Something in between – hybrid qualitative and quantitative

Online research community
Qualitative research
We strongly believe that in spite of the plethora of DIY platforms, algorithms and big data, there is always a place and a need for qualitative research, either in person or online. Numbers are powerful. But without the why and human insights, numbers are just numbers and there is never a shortage of it.
Research solutions offered:
- Online or in-person
- Online video focus groups
- Live text chats
- Video diary
- Video ethnography
- Video shop-alongs
Quantitative research
Whether it’s concept evaluation to optimize your campaigns, comprehensive awareness and usage study for market entry, or tracking studies, you can get all major segments – General Market, African American, Hispanic and Asian American – covered in one study for overall and segment insights.
Research solutions offered:
- Online survey
- Telephone survey
- Intercept or hybrid
Something in between – hybrid qualitative and quantitative
If you have limited resources, it’s possible to get both numbers and why in a hybrid qualitative, quantitative study instead of doing stand-alone qualitative and quantitative studies respectively. Depending on the research objectives, it could be either a survey with a number of open-ended questions built in which would be analyzed and presented with a qualitative approach or an online bulletin board study with over 100 respondents in total across several segments. These are just two examples and there are many more possibilities for creative solutions for cost effective and time efficient study design. -
Online research community
If you have a data base of customer and have high annual research volume, it’s worthwhile investing in an online research community so that you can get results in a timely basis to inform business decisions. In addition to the benefits of cost and time efficiency you normally get from online research community, we offer online research community in different languages and provide reports with cultural insights to allow you optimize products, services and communications for multicultural consumers.